
茎符号英国威廉希尔中文网站生物学, 数学, 物理, 计算机科学, and Civil Engineering departments will jointly host a high school STEM camp in 2024. 上升9th to 12th grade students who are interested in hands-on exploration of STEM concepts and applications are encouraged to attend.


一个分子的能量大小取决于它的温度, 这决定了分子的运动类型.  At a given temperature, a molecule may undergo translational, rotational, and vibrational motion.  我们将测定几种气体中的声速, 哪一个, 令人惊讶的是, will tell us how the energy of a molecule is distributed among these three types of motion.  Our results will show that vibrational motion occurs at relatively high energies, and molecules at normal temperatures may not have enough energy to undergo much vibrational motion.  We will then obtain the infrared spectrum of a small molecule by directly examining the energy levels that arise from rotational and vibrational motion.  Our study of molecular energy will conclude by simulating our infrared spectrum with a computer program written in python.

似乎我们做的每件事都被收集和存储为数据. From streaming shows to shopping to healthcare to the use of our devices. 但是有什么目的?? 公司, 组织, 政府, and any other entity that uses data are trying to extract value and meaning from that data. They use sophisticated techniques to be able to learn more about you and your habits. 在本次会议上, students will begin to see the power of statistics and data science and how they can use it to benefit their own lives.

Understanding the atomic structure of large molecules like DNA and proteins is key to developing drugs to cure disease. 通过基于游戏的活动, students will learn how a fundamental law of thermodynamics governs the structure of these important biomolecules. We will then see it in action as we use modern web-based software to visualize key protein components of various biological systems and show how defects in these can cause various diseases.

You will contribute to a nationwide program by testing for antibiotic resistance genes in environmental soil samples isolated in the Evansville area. You will learn how antibiotic resistant infections affect humans and may be linked to antibiotic use on farms. 然后, you will test soil samples using molecular techniques to detect the presence of bacteria in our community. 你将获得从土壤中提取DNA的实践经验, 从你的样本中提取DNA, and then analyzing the DNA to determine if antibiotic-resistant genes are present. You will also use bioinformatics tools to compare antibiotic resistant genes in bacteria. Finally, you will contribute your data to a national database of antibiotic resistance surveillance.

The materials used for engineering and construction can be engineered to have the properties needed for their application. Engineers can use chemistry to adjust a concrete mixture or design a metal alloy. Students will learn about how chemistry affects key engineering materials and gain hands-on experience using a chemical reaction to produce concrete.

How can bridges support thousands of pounds above a river with hardly any support below? Engineers use math and physics to design bridges that are not only strong, 而且要尽可能的轻便和便宜. Students will learn about important concepts in structural design and use a simulator to design their own bridge for both strength and cost considerations.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence focused on enabling computers to understand, 解释, 生成人类语言. 它的应用是多种多样的, including the creation of chatbots and virtual assistants for natural language interaction, 在文本数据中衡量意见的情感分析, 语音控制系统的语音识别, 还有机器翻译,用于在不同语言之间转换文本. NLP在文本摘要等任务中也很重要, 信息提取, 命名实体识别, 问答系统, 文本分类, 语言生成, 在医疗保健等领域有着广泛的应用, 金融, 和更多的, showcasing its versatility in enhancing human-computer interaction and information processing. 学生将处理语言数据来训练、测试和优化NLP.


  • 了解STEM专业学生的职业道路
  • Meet with current UE students to learn what research they’re doing this summer, 以及他们毕业后打算做什么
  • 了解大学录取和经济援助流程


夏令营费用包括一件夏令营t恤, 校园午餐, 有机会了解校园里其他营地的情况, 和更多的!


Dr. 朱莉Merkle




*请阅读青年计划、夏令营、 & Conferences Handbook and Child Protection Policy found under the “额外的形式” tab 之前 报名参加项目、营地和会议. Please be advised there is a non-refundable $35 registration fee included in the price of each camp.

我们的目标是使我们的青年项目, 营地, and conferences accessible to students regardless of their ability to pay. 感谢礼来捐赠公司的慷慨资助.,我们可以为有需要的学生提供经济援助. If you are interested in receiving Financial Assistance, please complete the 申请经济资助表格 之前 注册. 请在两个工作日内处理您的请求. 因为对援助的需求很大,而资金有限, 我们鼓励家长/监护人尽早申请.